Steve Scott, Esq.
Steve Scott is a reformed attorney, part-time college professor, and a full time outdoor communicator who is a passionate
and articulate advocate for the cause of sportsmen on the speaking circuit, in Washington D.C., and on his award-winning dddtelevision series.
Recognized nationally as an advocate of hunter’s right’s, since 1998 Scott has produced and hosted Safari Hunter’s Journal & Outdoor Guide television series which have aired on Outdoor Channel, Versus, Sportsman Channel, as well as in syndication on over 100 broadcast and cable stations throughout the U.S..
Scott has written for numerous magazines, periodicals, and websites in both North America and Africa. As an articulate advocate for the cause of sportsmen, he has testified on sportsmen's issues before the United States Senate, the US House of Representatives, and the Department of Transportation concerning conservation, public land use, and sportsmen’s travel issues.
In service to the shooting sports industry, Scott was elected to the board of directors of SAFARI CLUB INTERNATIONAL, and is a past president of the Oklahoma chapter. He was SCI’s national director of the Sportsmen Against Hunger project for the Humanitarian Services committee and the vice-chairman of the USA Shooting Team Foundation Board in Colorado Springs. Scott also served as chairman of the board of the Professional Outdoor Media Association.
As an adjunct instructor, Scott taught in the Price College of Business at the University of Oklahoma for twenty years. Consistently one of the College's most popular lecturers, Scott eventually received the OU Athletic Department’s Most Inspiring Faculty Award.
Having been on over 150 international hunting trips, Scott has taken more than 70 African species including the African big 5 and dangerous 7 multiple times. Since 1998, he has hunted on six continents and has produced over 500 outdoor-themed television episodes, most of which are available in HD and 4K definition.

Available for: Keynote/Banquets; Seminar/Breakout; Convention/Trade Shows

Mr. Scott's fee is $1000-$5000 (depending on time/project)

Steve's Presentations
-Dream Hunt or Nightmare?
What you know before you go can mean the difference between a successful adventure or a regrettable experience .
-Gunning for Liberals
How to talk to a liberal about guns without shooting yourself in the foot.
-How We Can Save Hunting
Though demographics work against us, there is a way to preserve our hunting heritage...and it begins with you!
-Hunting for Liberals
How to effectively explain hunting to those who lean to the left.
-Safari 101
Everything you need to make your first African safari a roaring success!
-What Do You Mean You Weren't Rolling?
The sometimes thrilling, sometimes humorous, sometimes infuriating experience of traveling the world to produce outdoor TV.