Bree Michael Warner

Available for: Banquets; Clinics/Seminars; Autographs; Conventions/Trade Shows
Contact OSB for Ms. Warner's fee & availability
Some might say that Bree Michael Warner was perhaps a very unlikely candidate for the 2A Community. A petite television and films actress appearing on hit series like Without a Trace, Kings of Queens and CSI: Miami, Warner began her segue into producing with the film Trust Me I’m a Lifeguard which premiered at the world renowned Tribeca Film Festival and garnered her a solid introduction to both sides of the lens. After years of working in the glamour of Hollywood, an industry that has notoriously positioned itself on the far left; she once again entered into a new phase in life in the most unexpected way.
In 2013 after tragically losing her husband suddenly and without warning the twist in her fairytale became a pivotal detour on a life once mapped out. In an instant the future and the fate of any hopes and dreams changed in the flash leaving a void impossible to fill. The fork in the road became profoundly evident as those early months were spent treading water, trying to stay emotionally and physically afloat. It was a crushing blow that showed her just how resilient the human heart could be and how survival becomes a choice. The new normal was about cherishing the memory of her husband while giving herself permission to keep living life to the fullest. A deeply rooted faith helped her return to the road with a completely new perspective and course of travel ultimately showing her how to 'stay in the fight and not give up'. It would be a mindset that paved the way for the blessings to come.
Turning pain into power became the primary mission but it was the introduction to firearms that fully opened the door for an empowered self and inspired pathways towards helping others, especially women, do the same.
Currently serving as a Deputy Sheriff and certified Firearms Instructor in New York and former host of GunTV, a sudden derailment fueled motivation for a life reimagined. In 2016 she launched Tactigal Inc, providing firearms instruction, educational blogs and videos in hopes of empowering women from all walks of life to find their own inner warrior and develop a survivor mindset. She is a contributing writer for a variety of industry publications and brand ambassador for some of the leading firearm product and accessory manufacturers. Warner represents a welcomed shift of women coming into the gun industry and continues to advocate the value of training and commitment to one’s own personal defense.
Who knew that a gal from Hollywood would find herself rewriting the next chapter after finding a passion for shooting? A proud and very public supporter of our 2nd Amendment Rights, Warner dares to make waves in the Entertainment community while still taking on the challenges of being an active member of Law Enforcement.

Bree's Presentations
Join Bree Michael Warner as she tackles the question “How do you turn pain into power?” In sharing stories of love, loss and discovery, Ms Warner presents a life reimagined and one that inspires a ‘survivor mindset’. Her passion for firearms, personal defense and an empowered self, shapes the discussion that encourages others on their own journey towards a better tomorrow and safer today. Highlighted by personal stories of overcoming the odds and discovering new careers in Law Enforcement and as a firearms instructor she aims to help others become stronger than ever no matter where the road may lead.
Women are the fastest growing demographic in the gun industry yet so many are faced with the challenges of breaking into what has been a largely male dominated community. Yet in a changing world with rising threats of violence now more than ever the value of training and situational awareness is paramount to survival for all. So how do we as a gun culture embrace what has been while encouraging a stronger society of women seeking out their own inner warrior? From the perspective of both firearms instructor and member of law enforcement, Warner looks at the evolution of the female shooter and boldly redefines the archetype for today’s modern day sheepdog.